Joining Forces to Promote the D-FW Region
D-FW recently was ranked the fourth most populous metropolitan area in the nation, a top five media market and the 12th largest regional economy in the world – yes, the world.
Other data rolls in constantly, and may even surprise the most ardent D-FW booster.
For example, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., or FDIC, reports more insured deposits here than Houston, San Antonio and Austin combined – a staggering $155 billion compared to $146 billion in Texas’ other major metropolitan areas.
One in four Texans resides in the D-FW region. We account for one-third of the value of all goods and services produced in Texas. That makes ours the most productive region in the state. The range of high-value products and services made here is impressive and diverse. The distribution of jobs throughout our major economic sectors closely mirrors the national pattern.
Over the past few years, Texas has been consistently recognized by Site Selection magazine as a top state for new and expanding corporate facilities. Care to guess which metro area is far and away the biggest contributor to corporate locations and expansions in our state? That would be the D-FW region.
D-FW continues to move up on a lot of charts and is increasingly positioned as the most significant metropolitan area in the U.S. behind the “big three” of New York, Las Angeles and Chicago.
Dallas Business Journal, September 2007